Thursday, June 10, 2010

Piedmont River Float

Decided to try a spot that I had'nt fished in 2 years. This spot is on timber land and has no easy access to a river in the  piedmont of North Carolina. Here is my rig that i use to get down to the water. It is about a 15 minute haul to the river with this cart. Sure wish I could hunt here but hunting is not allowed.

"boy, thats a purty rig"

Here is the Average size bass that I caught today.

Here is my best fish of the day. A solid 20 incher that gave me everthing she had.

Here are some nice flowers on the river. I call these plants arrowhead plants but I am not sure of the real name.

This is a nice view of a wide part of the river. When I was here 2 years ago this is the place where I got to watch a family of otters. Pretty smart otters if you ask me with all the fish in this river.

This is a very nice and tall  white pine growing along a bluff beside the river. This picture does not do this tree justice.

I did not bring any ul equipment today. Dumb me! This nice bream hit a buzzbait. Bream were busting top everwhere. This is a day I should of had a nice ul with me and a few beetlespins! I really could of mopped up on them today with all of their topwater activity. A flyrod would of been nice with a small popper. Oh well, maybe next time.

Here is a nice view of a creek entering the river. This channel was loaded with aquatic life.

All in all a nice day as I caught some good bass, saw some nice trees and plants and 1 big Tom Turkey. No otters seen today. Mack

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