Saturday, July 17, 2010

Piedmont flow for smallies July '10

My good friend Steve and I decided to make a trip to a  Virginia piedmont river that holds some smallies and largemouths. The Staunton  River . This is not pronounced "Stawton" it is pronounced "Stanton" the U is silent. Anyway, We launched the canoe at 11am under bright sunny skies. The water was clear and a toasty 85 degrees . The bite was very slow at first . I caught a few on a popper , a few on plastics, and then I put on the smallie killer a chartreuse spinnerbait. There is a saying that I have that if you can only use 3 colors for smallies then here they are.

1. Chartreuse
2. Chartreuse
3. Chartreuse

The bite was on! We problay caught at least 30 smallies though none were monsters. Most were from 11- 13 inches with the biggest topping out at 13 1/2 inches though I did have 2 big monster smallies smack at one of my lures.

heres the first of the day

Here is Steve with a gar that crushed his buzzer!

A nice day on the water as alot of fish were caught and lots of birds seen. Wood ducks, herons and ospreys were seen frequently throughout the day.

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