Since my son is on trackout, I had promised to take him fishing downeast for some big catfish. I told him the catfishin would be better next month but he still wanted to go anyway . Thata boy!.....
We headed to one of my favorite rivers, the Neuse. Now I will not gona say exactly where we were, but any blackwater creek off the Neuse between Smithfield and NewBern will give you some really nice bream and the main Neuse will get you the Flatheads and Blue Cats..
We arrived at our destination at 1pm and fished untill 11pm. The Boat for today would be my Trusty 1984 vintage Coleman Scanoe with a Mercury 2.5 hp motor.
First business of the day would be to fish for Bream. For 2 reasons, they are fun, and we need bait. Bait of choice was crickets on 2 ul rods fished 2 ' under corks on #6 long shank hooks. Man! did we have a blast and we really got on to some good bream. My son actually lost one that was 1.5 lbs to 2 lbs and I had a similar one break 4 lb test at the boat!!!!. all of the big Bream were released for another day and a few of the smaller ones kept for bait. Oh, I did catch a few on my 4wgt fly rod with a yellow popper and a black ant trailer.
Here are a few pics of some of the bream.
Not a big shellcracker but he fought like crazy!
Maybe my biggest

of the day
One for the Longrod.... All fly rod caught fish caught on Yellow popper with Ant trailer.
This was probably my sons biggest of the day.

Here is the type of areas we were fishing. Throwing right up against Cypress trees and gum trees.
Right before dark we headed out to one of my catfish hot spots and set up.
3 rods would be used tonight.
1. An Abu 7000 loaded with 40 lb cajun line on a 7' mh American Spirit Nite Stik. This IMO is the best catrod on the market.
2. A Shimano 6500 Baitrunner loaded with 25 lb Golden stren on a 7' ugly Stik Tiger Rod.
3. A calcutta 700 loaded with 30 lb big game on a custom made 8' rod that I can thank my Great freind Todd for!!!
All rigs were modified Carolina rigs with 2 oz sinkers, short leaders and 5/0 hooks. I left the 9/0 hooks at home!
The first spot yielded this decent striper that my son got in fairly easy on the calcuata 700. This Striper hit a piece of cut bream soaked in garlic juice.
After a couple of missed hits, we moved down to another spot and right away I caught this small flattie.
After a couple more missed hits we moved down to another spot and nada.
Not a great day for bottom fishing but can't complain with a Flathead and a Striper caught, and the joy of the day was seeing my son have fun with those Big Ole Bull Bream. Other wildlife seen was 2 Black Fox Squirrels , alot of white Ibis, some ducks and the usual Herons. Oh! on the ride down I did see that one unfortunate Fox Squirrel didn't make it across the rode and now I know someone who may have a red Fox squirrel tail for some Fly tying.