I grew up on the banks of the Haw River just north of Burlington, NC. The Haw is where I learned to fish and where I caught my first carp. 9lbs? if I remember correctly( I will get that picture and have it scanned and post it one day). Just north of my parents house is a tributary of the Haw that has a millpond on it. I sometimes would split my time fishing the Haw around my parents house and then sometimes I would hop on my bike and go after some nice bass and White Bass that this old millpond has.
It was a big adventure back when I was 14 and biking those 2 miles to the millpond. 2 miles back then was like a 100 today. I never did purposely fish for carp in that old millpond but I did catch some by accident while pursuing other species. One memory I have of that pond is a couple of older gentlemen who fished that millpond religiously for carp. They used packbait and I remember seeing that and thinking how could a carp eat that?? I do remember that I saw them catch some huge carp some probably 30 lbs plus.
So fast forward to this year(Oct 28, 2016) and I decided to go there and purposely fish for carp. I only had 2 hours so I was not sure I could catch one. I used my normal rig and pack bait of oatmeal, cream corn and vanilla with 3 or 4 kernels of corn on the hook. I caught a small bullhead about an hour in and at about an hour and a half in one reel starts screaming! Fish on! . After a brief battle I pulled in a
4lb carp give or take. Not a big carp but I was very proud of this one as it was my first at this childhood spot on purpose. A very good day.
The rods and reels. Shimano 3500 Baitrunner w/15 lb test on an 8' Ugly Stik , and a Daiwa 2600SS w/12lb test on a Pinnacle Rod.
The Bait.....there is a 1 oz weight under there
The result......
Like I said, not a huge carp but a very special one. Now I just need to pull one of those 30 lbers out.
"Carp fishing North Carolina"
New Hampshire 2021 - part 3
2 months ago