Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Catfish Jugs

Since its so hot and the fishing isn't so great I have been working on some fishing stuff and re organizing my utility building. Now since I am sidelined for a few weeks I can still  work on some stuff but cant do anything heavy.   One problem with my Utility building is my catfish jugs take up one corner. These are(were) big orange tide detergent jugs which I have used for a long time.  Lately, I have been seeing videos on YOU TUBE about using pool noodles/pvc  and smaller drink bottles. I figured i would make some of these as they are easier to store and by the videos catch big fish just as well as the bigger jugs.
Here are the 2 types I made.   I followed this guys suggestions as I thing he has the best Video out there on making these.   see     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHAxmOuK3Tg

The pool noodle one is aprox 18 inches with a 12 inch section of noodle. The pvc is 3/4 inch.  Inside,  instead of rebar and fishing weights I used 3 inch bolts. This bolt u position near the top and when a cat hits it slides down and helps the noodle stand up. It also makes a smack when it hits the bottom and some people believe that makes the cat swim harder thus setting the hook. All hooks are 5/0 circle hooks.  The water bottle is a 20 oz bottle , the bottom painted white. I am going to add some reflective tape and glo stiks  which can also be put inside. Its hard to see but the noodle one does have reflective tape at the very top. Hopefully sometime soon  I can give a report on how they do. They surely have saved me some space as I can get 10 noodles in a bucket.  Search you tube and you will see alot of vidoes on making these. Mack


Dallon O said...

Hey Mack,
Let me start by saying all of your blogs are great stuff. Very informative and interesting. I do alot of fishing myself. But anyways, I saw you have an ugly stik tiger rod and I was curious on what you thought about it. I just got a 10-25lb tiger lite and i love it so far. Just get back to me when you can.

Mack said...

Thanks Dallon, THose Tiger rods are great but I only have 1 , a 7' heavy spinning rod that i either put a 4500 or 6500 shimano baitrunner on......the casting tiger rods are very nice too....almost indestructable.....Thanks again Mack