Went to a tributary of the Neuse river this am(6/7/11) in search of some Jack(Chain Pickeral).
Launched at 7am at a private ramp and made the paddle to this trib and worked my way up about 1 mile throwing a red roostertail with a silver blade. No Jack! but did manage 3 bass about 1 lb apiece and 2 bream.
Had to make 2 portages around fallen trees but not a bad float.
Since no Jack were caught on the way up I switched bait s and tied on a spinnerbait to throw on the way back down. Mainly targeted logs and cypress knees. I picked up 3more bass all almost identical to the first 3 and 1 small bowfin.
Finally almost back down at the neuse I picked up a bass that may of went 5 lbs wet. She gave a good fight but 14 lb fireline was too much for her.
Dissapointed I didnt catch a Jack but a good morning it was with some decent fish caught.
New Hampshire 2021 - part 3
1 month ago
Sure would like to go a pickerel trip with you Mack.
Nice Bass to finish off a trip!!
that's a big bass in a little creek, nice work!
thanks FW, yeah, she surprised me when she hit...........mack
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